Fall Calendar

Monday, September 08, 2008

The fall semester has begun! Be sure to check the updated Calendar of Events (left column) for information on the UW Madison Energy Institute Series, the Nelson Institute Community Environmental Forum Series, and many other interesting events and activities that are coming up. Just click on the event (or the series) for more details.

I would especially urge Madison Peak Oil Group members to attend the Sustainable Urbanism lecture on Wednesday, September 17. Given the huge proportion of oil which we burn for commuting, shopping, and other local errands and trips, the restoration of pedestrian/bicycle/transit-oriented "habitat for humanity" will be central to breaking our oil addiction.

Note that I am now helping Ed Blume with the calendar on this website. Please contact me if you notice any outdated stuff, errors, etc. or would like a Peak-Oil-related event posted here.

Hans Noeldner
hans underscore noeldner at charter dot net