Personal responses to peak oil

Thursday, January 04, 2007

While we can understand and express concern about peak oil, we also need to confront the crisis globally as well as personally.

Fortunately, Sustain Dane offer several sustainability discussion courses all around Dane County. Consider this an opportunity to start the year by gaining fresh insights and meeting fascinating people that, like you, envision and are dedicated to creating a vibrant community and a healthy planet.

The course on voluntary simplicity helps "participants clarify how they spend their time, how to simplify to make room for meaningful activities, and how all this is related to living more lightly on the Earth."

The course on deep ecology helps "participants clarify earth-related values, discover how personal values affect the way we view and treat the earth and understand what it means to take personal responsibility for the earth."

Visit the Sustain Dane Web site for more information or contact Ann Scheerer by e-mail or phone (608.819.0689).