Peak Oil Presentation, noon, January 22, State Capitol

Friday, January 19, 2007

Brown-bag Lunch Series on Energy
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Room 400 SE, State Capitol

RENEW Wisconsin and the Madison Peak Oil Group invite legislators, aides, Capitol staff, lobbyists, agency staff, and the general public to a series brown-bag lunches on energy-related issues.

Without a doubt, this legislative session will see several bills and administrative rules on energy issues, and the brown-bag lunches will provide the background and context to help with a better understanding of the underlying issues. The briefings will be non-partisan and will not offer positions on any proposals pending at the time.

Each short briefing will allow ample time for questions and discussions.

January 22 - Overview of Peak Oil, presented by Mark Daugherty.

Simply put, peak oil is the point in time when, on a worldwide basis, we will be extracting the most oil per day from the ground that we ever will. Before peak oil we were not extracting as much, and after peak oil we will not be extracting as much. Peak oil is the point in time of maximum extraction.

In the past few decades, there has been enough oil to meet demand because the supply has been growing at the same time demand has been growing. This will no longer be true after Peak Oil. Demand will not be met as supplies dwindle and oil prices will rise. Other energy sources will not be able to do for us what oil did.
Peak oil holds profound social and economic implications.