Sign the energy independence declaration

Friday, June 06, 2008

Sign the declaration at Solve Global Warming Wisconsin:

Declaration of Energy Independence

Because global warming is a genuine moral, health and economic issue; and

Because the United States of America produces approximately 25 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases that cause global warming, and Wisconsin generates those gases at a rate about one-third faster than the national average; and

Because lifestyle changes and new energy technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions can also reduce personal and business costs, promote local economic growth, and improve national security; and

Because I have the power to make those changes in my personal and professional life that can free me from reliance on greenhouse gas-producing energy sources;

I Declare Energy Independence and Pledge:

That I will reduce my personal carbon emissions by at least 5 percent within the next year;

That I will reduce my personal carbon emissions by at least another 5 percent within the year after that;

That thereafter I will not increase my personal carbon emissions, but rather will attempt to further reduce and offset them;

That I will ask my friends, family, elected officials, and employers and local businesses to follow my leadership example.